Praising All the Day Long

Today’s scripture: Isaiah 63:7-19 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

It’s time for some honest discussion. Today’s scripture could be a script out of many of our lives today. Sunday, we come to church and praise God, and remember what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Even with all the stuff going on life, life is good. God is good!

Then as the week goes on, the cares of the world, the gossip we hear and take part in, the stuff we want more than anything, the working hours on end, the little spats with our friends, family or spouses, the homeless person we dismissed, etc. etc,.  We forget about God and act like we are in charge. We can get arrogant. We forget about God. Jesus who?

But, there are those weeks where we get that medical diagnosis, or the air conditioning needs replacement and the finances are difficult, or a friend or a loved one is going through something hard. These are those difficult weeks that hit us like a ton of bricks. We sometimes wonder where God may be. God, where are you? Jesus, I need you.

Do you recognize any of the above? In today’s scripture reading, these scenarios are playing out in the words that Isaiah shares with us. I just put them in 21st century context.

Life happens. That won’t stop. But we do have choices to make. Just imagine waking up every morning and praising God, and having some short prayer to enter into your day that you carry around with you all day. “God, make me an instrument of your peace.” Imagine if you said that to yourself all day. Or another prayer, “God, help me to be a blessing today.” Or yet another, “God, help me speak things that are uplifting to others.” It can even be something simple, “God help me be still and know that you are God.” Or, “God, help me to be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus today.”

We can’t forget all the other things in life where we struggle. We need to raise those prayers to God as well. But, what if we carried that special prayer we leave with in the morning and speak it all day. Perhaps, even write out some prayers like that and use one each day or week, and say it to so that we are praising God, and carrying that special prayer with with us. Put it on our smart phone. Have our calendar or to do list pop that up as a message. Let it become so ingrained in our mind, we recite it when we least expect.

What would that be like?

What would happen?

Isn’t that one thing prayer is supposed to do?

Thought for the day: How would my day improve if I leave in the morning with a special prayer, and say it throughout my day?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.