Thrill Seeker

Today’s scripture: Luke 4:9-13 (NRSV) (The MessageWhat might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Tammy Mills):

The other day while chatting with my spiritual mentor, I mentioned to her that I had been feeling the need to do something wild and crazy. (I was thinking of jumping from an airplane… she suggested I go for a walk and see if the feeling would pass. Sorry to say, the walk seems to have worked — for the time being.) I’m not sure why, but from time to time I get the urge to do something just for the thrill of pushing the envelope.

I think it’s a part of human nature to be drawn to things that are sensational and thrilling. But the thing about always seeking the next thrill is — it leaves you always searching, always looking for the next “thrilling” thing.

The third temptation of Jesus was about creating a sensational moment for folks. Imagine how many would have sought out Jesus if they saw or heard that he had hurled himself from the highest point of the temple and the angels came and carried him to the ground. WOW! Talk about a thrill.

I don’t think Jesus wanted people to seek him out for the thrill. If folks had turned to Jesus because of his “thrill” ability, the minute he stopped doing these “thrilling” things they would have left and went looking for the next big thrill. Jesus was looking for followers who were open to a life-transforming message — not the next thrill.

Thought for the day: Am I looking for the next big thrill or am I committed to life long growth and transformation?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.