God in the World

Have you completed your Soul Care Plan for 2018?  Soul Care Plan Link Today’s topic is building block “S”, for Service.

Today’s scripture: 1 Peter 4:8-11 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Tyler Connoley):

She said, “We used to go to church, but the people . . . well, we just stopped going.”

He said, “I experience God so much more in nature than I ever have around church people.”

These two individuals represent many people I’ve met in my work as a pastor. They probably represent people you’ve met at work, at school, or even in your own family. These are people who gave up on Christianity, not because our God was unworthy, but because God’s people drove them away.

Paul tells us that when we speak we should do so “as one speaking the very words of God.” He recognizes that whatever we do as Christians we do as representatives of the God we serve. Like it or not, when people know you’re a Christian, they watch you to see if your God is worth their time. Everything you say or do reflects on the God you serve and the church you belong to.

But, God doesn’t leave us without some back up. Paul also says that when we minister we should do so “with the strength that God supplies.” And Jesus said the Holy Spirit will give us words to say when we need them (Matt 10:19-20). Where we get into trouble is when we try to do things on our own without relying on God to help us.

Thought for the day: You are the window through which the world see’s God. What are you showing them?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.