Today’s scripture: John 7:14-24 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?
My thoughts (Julie Walsh):
The Casey Anthony trial has been capturing the nation’s attention for months with its gripping drama that could only be dreamed up in Hollywood writers’ studios. Journalists have flocked to the courtroom to document every moment and gather their network of experts who offer their opinions and analyses.
When the verdict was handed down there was a public outcry. Incensed protestors posted themselves outside the courthouse, porch light vigils were organized in memory of Caylee, and Twitter vigilantes have sworn Dexter Morgan-style justice. Many people have compared this verdict with the OJ Simpson criminal trial verdict and conclude that the American justice system has failed, then go on to say, “But God will judge them in the end.”
That, I believe, is true. God will judge Casey Anthony and God will judge OJ Simpson. God will judge you and God will judge me. But that judge sees much more than you or I can comprehend. We judge the evidence that is in front of us, behind the lenses of our own baggage and biases. We create our own armchair analyses about the media-frenzied trials, the harried circumstances our friends get themselves into, and our own behaviors and actions.
But the lenses of God’s judgement are filtered with love, grace, mercy, and compassion.
Where we see a woman who has committed murder without remorse, God sees a confused, impressionable young woman in need of a loving and emotionally stable home. Where we see a charged work environment with an unyielding boss, God sees an insecure man who is on the verge of discovering Christ. When we look in the mirror and see an unqualified, unworthy, self-deprecating reflection shining back at us, God looks at our image and sees a beautifully talented and motivated individual who just needs a little courage to continue growing.
What would the world be like if we could look through God’s lens and not rely on the shaded truth that makes up our daily existence? How would our own attitudes and feelings shift if we simply adhere to Christ’s encouraging words? Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgement.
Thought for the day: Examine every action, feeling, and circumstance anew. Take off your glasses of judgement and try looking through the lens of love, grace, mercy, and compassion.
We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.