Mission Impossible

Today’s scripture: Mark 9:14-24 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Lynnette Pullen):

Doubt is a like a cancer to faith. It is the dreaded archenemy of hope and murderer of big dreams. It creeps into our minds and thoughts and grows until it blocks our ability to see what could be. We become blinded by doubt until our goals seem like a far off impossibility.

In our reading today a man a brought his son to be healed by the famous prophets. He waits in the crowd holding his baby thinking “This is finally the day! My son will be healed.” He fights his way to the front of the line, crying from relief because this is the day his son will come back to him. After all, there hasn’t been anyone they could not heal. He hands over his child to the prophets as they confidently begin to cast out the spirit. The boy seizes repeatedly as they try over and over. Tears of joy turn to tears of despair as he realizes they cannot heal him. He probably begins to think “He is too ill to be healed; I knew it was too good to be true.” The prophets begin to argue, maybe even blaming each other. The father drops to his knees, devastated. This was his last hope. Now, disbelief has consumed him and is now working its way into the prophets’ hearts.

It is then that Jesus steps in. The father desperately asks “If you can do anything, take pity on us and help.” Then the father responds with what has become my favorite prayer when blinded by disbelief. He says “I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief.”

What I hear him saying is that he knows in his head that Jesus can do all things, but his heart is filled with uncertainty. He can no longer envision his son being whole. He has been let down so many times; he openly admits his doubt and asks for help to get past it. I love what happens next. Jesus simultaneously casts out the doubt and the demons, healing the both the father and the boy.

When I pray for help with what I call “mission impossible” stuff, I remember this story. It helps me to know that people could still doubt the power of God even while immediately present with Jesus. It somehow lifts the shame I feel when I have difficulty believing that God can help me. When you feel yourself start to think things like “I’ll never be able to do that,” “God can’t help me, I’m too far gone,” or “This is impossible,” simply say to God: I believe, help me overcome my unbelief.

Prayer for the day: God, forgive me for allowing my circumstances and what other people say to cloud my belief in you. Please help me overcome my disbelief in situations where I feel the mission is impossible.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.