From the Heart

Today’s scripture: Matthew 6:5-15 (NRSV) (Contemporary English Version)

As you read, consider these questions: What might God be saying to me in this passage? What jumps out at me? Summarize your thoughts in a sentence or two before reading on.

My thoughts on this passage (Deb Doty):

Oh, God, you who created me, you who hold me and rock me, singing soothing songs that tell me you love me….

Thank you for being our Parent! May I never forget to look for the family likeness in the faces of my sisters and brothers. Let me see you looking back at me. And let them see you looking back at them.

How wonderful you are! Although I can call you my Daddy, my Momma, you are the Creator of heaven and earth — of everything that is. How majestic, how holy you are! There is no one else like you.

Please, please let your kingdom be right here on earth just like it is in heaven. I know the day will come when this prayer will be complete and your kingdom will come in its fullness. But for today, for the here and now, let your will be done in this piece of creation called Deb. Reign in my heart this day. Reign in your Church so the world can get a glimpse of your kingdom and be drawn to your loving rule.

Be our sustenance today. Fill us with your goodness. We need you. Without you, we will die. Oh, God, let me taste your incredible goodness; let me know you this day. Only let me know you — you are my bread. Nothing fills me like you do. And I know if I desire you above all other “food,” my other needs will be met.

May I continually forgive and forgive and forgive and forgive until I lose count—until any real or perceived wrong begins to become blurred by waves of forgiveness. Not 70 times — not 70 times 70 times — but however many times it takes. I can be soooo hardheaded. Forgive me. I want to be like you.

It’s so hard to struggle against evil’s quicksand sometimes. Don’t let it swallow us up! God, help me overcome my curiosity — that desire to see just how close I can get before I feel the downward pull. Teach me a different path that takes me far away from the swamp. Let me follow you.

I love you more than feeble words could ever say. Be my life, my love, my all. This day — and always. You alone are worthy.

I love you.

Thought for today: Make the “Lord’s Prayer” your prayer. Take it one phrase at a time, slowly, and pray what’s on your heart about each phrase. And be sure to give God some time to speak back to you.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to start, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.