Someone Greater Than Me!

Today’s scripture: Luke 3:15-22 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message)

As you read, consider: What might God be saying to me? Summarize your thoughts in a sentence or two.

My thoughts (Robert Ferguson):

The Deacons of Jesus Metropolitan Community Church are quite a motley crew. Perhaps you haven’t had a cause to interact with the Deacons, or you don’t attend our church, or are reading this from a great distance, but let me assure you we have been blessed within our local body to have quite a collection of characters serving on our Board of Deacons.

Some of us are more mature, “seasoned” saints while others of us are stumbling and bumbling our way through this Christian walk. Between the nine of us, everyone has been blessed with a unique gift. We have more than a few prayer warriors in the group. Some others have the gift of visiting people in need and lifting spirits, while others have the gift of a loving compassionate hug and an encouraging smile.

Though we are quite diverse, there is one thing we all share — the love we feel for the congregation we have been charged with caring for. Personally, I have spent hours on phone calls and in visitations just listening to challenges, struggles, and tragedies that have befallen different individuals. I believe I speak for all of the Deacons when I say that sometimes these folks are life long Christians who know more about scripture and faith than any of us. Other times it’s folks who want to know more about faith, salvation, and living a Christian life. Regardless of the circumstance, all we are really capable of doing is listening and sharing what we have learned from our own Christian journeys. Yes, we have been ordained for this ministry and have completed hours of training, but at the end of the day all any of us can do is point others to Christ.

In our reading today we find John the Baptist, a dynamic preacher and teacher performing the task that God had called him to do. He was so good at it that some wondered if he might be the Messiah, which so many were expecting. Though he was fiery in his oratorical delivery and performed many baptisms, at the end of the day it was the one true Christ who would atone for humanity’s sin and bring to the people a clean heart.

I am comforted in knowing that all God asks of me is what I am capable of doing. I can offer a kind word or give a hug, but the real work of forgiveness, restoration, justification, and healing is done through our Lord and Savior; Jesus Christ. Thank God there is someone greater than I am!

Thought for the day: I do what I can, but it’s not my responsibility to do it all. There is Someone greater than me!

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.