A Family Affair

Today’s scripture: Luke 8:19-21 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message)

As you read, consider: What might God be saying to me? Summarize your thoughts in a sentence or two.

My thoughts (Ben Lamb):

In this passage, where is the compassionate Jesus who feeds his sheep and passes out the warm fuzzies about “Come unto me, all who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”?

I used to think Jesus was saying, “Hey — Mom and the brothers need to move on. They ain’t here in the room with me now, so they lost out.” These verses confused me for years.

But now, I see Jesus using them as examples of who his true followers are. It would seem reasonable that whoever told Jesus about his mother and brothers was expecting Jesus to say, “Well, whisk them in past everyone else, of course.”

However, Jesus didn’t do that. I believe it’s possible that Jesus was responding to a concrete statement with a spiritual response. The messenger was giving Jesus a literal, yet accurate account of events: Mom and siblings were standing outside. Jesus was responding with a spiritual and equally accurate account of events: Mom and siblings had heard the word of God (i.e., Jesus’ teachings) and were eagerly complying (i.e., following/seeking Jesus).

As I take the time to reflect upon people whom I’ve known in the flesh all my life, I ponder: is there anyone for whom I’d be willing to give up absolutely everything without knowing what lay ahead? Honestly… no. Would anyone who’s known me be willing to do it? Certainly not, for sure! There had to be something extraordinarily special about Jesus in order for so many people to follow him with such dedication during his time on earth. And to think that it’s still happening 2000 years later…

Questions for the day: What have been the common denominator(s) among millions of people around the world through the centuries to draw them to Jesus? Would I be counted among Jesus’ family?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.