Sharing My Jesus

Today’s scripture: Mark 10:13-16 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message)

As you read, consider: What might God be saying to me? Summarize your thoughts in a sentence or two.

My thoughts (E’sha Cooper):

Even though I have two older brothers, I was raised almost as an only child. I never got to experience living with them and having to share stuff. I say, “Hooray for me.” Although it may seem that I could have been be a little selfish, I wasn’t, especially not with things. As a kid I enjoyed sharing because it meant I had someone to play with.

But there was one area as a child where I was dogmatic about what was mine, and that was my Daddy. My Daddy was like God to me. He was funny, playful, handsome, and loved. I didn’t want him loving anyone else like he loved me, although when I popped on the scene, my cousins were already there loving and enjoying my Dad like he was theirs. I had to put a stop to that foolishness posthaste. As soon as I could talk and get around and really perceive what was going on, I made it clear that my Daddy was off limits. I didn’t want anyone getting anything from him that I got because it made me feel special.

I would fuss if he gave someone a hug or picked them up. He was mine and no one else could have him. I didn’t want to share my Daddy and that was that. But eventually I had to get over it. My Daddy loved so many people and so many people loved him that I was making myself crazy trying to hoard him in my little world.

Today’s scripture shows us that the disciples were having the same issue. Here out of the millions of other people Jesus could have chosen, He had called them to follow Him. He had picked them and they spent all their waking hours with Him. He nurtured them, taught them, and definitely loved them. He was their everything. And so when this crowd of people show up asking for Jesus to bless their children, they had a fit. I’m sure they were thinking, “I’m not sharing my Jesus!” and so tried to send the people away.

But unlike my Daddy, who thought my fits of jealousy were cute, Jesus was appalled at their behavior. He tells them that they need to learn a lesson from these little ones. Instead of being jealous, he exhorts them to recognize that there is something special inside these children that gives them access to heaven. They stood accused of being selfish with their Jesus because it meant that there was someone just as special as they were.

I believe if we’re honest with ourselves we can empathize with them. We like when someone important loves on us because it makes us feel special — and I believe God wants us to feel that. However, I believe God also wants us to recognize that our worth is not minimized because someone else experiences the same love and grace we experience. When we share the goodness of Christ, we are actually affirming how special and important we are because we have the capacity to share what we have been given. That’s maturity.

Sharing Jesus — His love, blessings, power and grace — allows us to see how wonderful we all are.

Thought for the day: I can share the goodness of Jesus because I’m special — and you are, too.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.