We’re All Doing Time!

Today’s scripture: Matthew 5:21-26 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Tommy Chittenden):

Every week the work I do takes me behind razor-sharp serpentine cables and fencing and through control gates and beyond bars, leading me to classrooms. There I have the awesome opportunity to meet with dozens of men who have been incarcerated for a significant part of their lives for crimes committed out of anger, greed, jealousy, envy, lust, desire for power, and on and on.

When I convene the classes that focus on understanding “Where Behavior Begins”, I often remind the men that their sentence, if they so choose, could be looked at as a “gift of time.” Time to “go inside” before it’s time to go back outside. We carefully examine the path that led to the results of their behavior. Working our way back, we inquire about the emotions and feelings that sprang from their thoughts. We’re looking for the “sponsoring thought”, for the belief that is responsible for robbing them of healthy and benevolent choices. Choices that have determined where they now spend their days, nights, weekends and holidays, away from spouses, partners, families and friends.

It is such an incredible moment when someone, as a result of “doing the work” is able to identify a life event or situation or even comments made by someone years ago that on some level of consciousness have been “thought” to be true about him. It is only the beginning, but it is a potentially life-changing moment for the resident.

There are many days when I walk out the last control point of a facility, that I am reminded the only difference between the men I serve and myself is the degree to which their thoughts controlled their emotions manifesting the behavior that was judged to be criminal. We both have experienced the raw emotion born from our “sponsoring thought” or belief. One chose to act, one does not. One pays for the offense by doing time behind bars. The other walks freely. Or does he?

In this absolutely stunning teaching, which has come to be known as the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus speaks to the distortion of God’s law that has created layers of hypocrisy and self-righteousness. Jesus teaches that it is the “sponsoring thought” of anger that must be healed, that must be identified as the catalyst leading to the feelings and emotions that erupt into behavior, perhaps even murder. Yes, I would say, we are all doing time. If we do not “do the work” of inquiry to identify our beliefs that have sabotaged our intentions to “be love” to one another, we will only repeat the script of our life that keeps us separate from each other — and even from our self.

Thought for the day: God, search me — know my thoughts today! Reveal the lie or illusion I am believing about myself that so often keeps me in bondage. I choose to experience Truth and in that experience, I will be free!

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.