Clydesdale On a Platter?

Today’s scripture: Matthew 7:7-11 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Ben Lamb):

“I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!”

In cultures where that phrase is used, it’s understood that the person saying it isn’t actually voicing a request for an equestrian entrée. It’s merely a way of saying the person is very hungry. We humans have a way of saying things that we don’t truly, literally mean. Sometimes we are aware that we’re saying something we don’t really want.

But sometimes, we make a statement that we mistakenly think we actually believe. True story: a widow harshly lashed out at her son with, “I’m glad your father isn’t here to see this [family drama] going on!” Her son quietly replied with, “I’d be willing for Dad to know about all of this if it meant we could still have him with us.” The woman paused for a moment and said in a sad tone, “Well, I guess I’d have to agree with you on that one.” She hadn’t truly meant what she’d said.

Sometimes we ask for something that we think we want but don’t realize that we really shouldn’t end up with being granted. “Oh, this day is going so wondrously well. I wish it could go on forever!” Um… would ya really, really want to be stuck forever in any particular day, no matter how nifty it happened to be?

What does this need to mean to me in my life? I believe that I should present a request to God as best as I know how, given my finite understanding of the infinite universe, and then trust God to upgrade it — for my sake — into what the final draft should really be. Sometimes no revisions are necessary; and sometimes a massive overhaul is required.

Suppose I’m in a financial bind. I could fret and say, “I need a million dollars to pay off my debts” (a short-term fix which teaches me nothing). God, however, might decide that the best “…and it will be given you” response for me is to learn better money management (a long-term goal which teaches me much).

I suppose if God kept searching for the right moment in Jesus’ life for him to begin his ministry (approximately 30 years by most scholarly accounts), then I shouldn’t consider it an inordinate burden however long I may need to seek God’s will on any given matter in my life. [But, of course, I certainly don’t object to quickie answers, either, dear God!]

What’s on the other side of all those doors? Am I really ready to knock and let God open them for me? What if they present me with something I’m not elated with? But on the other hand, what if they show me something stunningly fabulous? However, what if…? Oh wait; I guess a wonderful part of being a follower of Jesus is the fact that  I’m never alone on the road through life!

“If you… give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him!”
This analogy of God acting as a parental figure to give to us as God’s children those things that genuinely are good for us, is a beautiful reassurance.

Thought for the day: There’s no need to wait for your birthday or other special occasion to roll around. Ask God for something today! There may be something unexpected included with it, but the “surprise” will ultimately be worth it all.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.