Rock My World

Today’s scripture: John 2:13-25 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJVWhat might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

Have you ever handled your spiritual life like a cash register or a bank account?

I remember a time in my life where I wanted to read the Bible cover to cover. I first read Genesis as fast as I could, then deposited that into my account — “cha-ching.” Then I’m moving fast forward through Exodus, Psalms, Proverbs, Job, and Jeremiah — “cha-ching” “cha-ching.” My account was getting really large. Then I finished up the New Testament, and was done. I really didn’t understand much of what I rushed through, but no problem! My bank account was really growing!

My next tasks: pray as much as I could, help with Sunday school, do all of the church activities that were available, and attend all of the different services during the week — CHA-CHING! My spiritual bank account was really getting super-sized! Or was it?

Today’s scripture is about Jesus’ reaction to the marketplace that filled the outer temple — the space really designated for the Gentiles and their worship space. No matter the consequences, Jesus turned the tables on those who thought they had God and this religion business down pat. He rocked their boat. He shook their world.

Aren’t we all guilty at times of thinking we have this God thing down pat? Too often I’ve thought that I’m just the best disciple — my bank account is full from all of this great stuff I have done! What more could I possibly need! CHA-CHING!

We all have times when Jesus could enter our spiritual spaces and start throwing chairs and turning over tables to get our attention — because we just don’t get it!

When I assessed where I was, I realized I had to ask God to transform my prayer life — to move beyond praying to check the box. I had to ask God to help me be patient and study scripture so I could grow spiritually — not approach spiritual things as a checklist and race to see who gets to the finish line first.

It is really spiritual maturity that is the true target — not the “bank account” checklist of spiritual tasks — but that took a while to sink in for me.

This particular act of Jesus has traditionally been called the “cleansing of the temple.” When I read this now, I see it as Christ sending me a message reminding me that I need to cleanse my temple, and maintain a thirst for spiritual growth that will keep me fresh. I need to let God in even deeper and in all areas of my life, and not let complacency settle in.

Thought for the day: How is Christ trying to rock my world? What cleansing is needed in my temple?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to begin, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.