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Today’s scripture: Proverbs 22:21-29 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

As I read this passage, verse 26 really stuck out for me. It reminded me that it can be so easy sometimes to make promises, or pledges, and then get busy and forget to follow through.

George, whose name is changed to protect the (not so) innocent, was someone who always had a good heart, and would sign up or volunteer to do all kinds of things at church. But usually, even though he had the best intentions of following through, he would get busy with something else and not fulfill his promise. What happens when George does not show up and people were counting on him? When George does not show up, maybe some things could go undone, or even worse, maybe nothing could be done.

I realize verse 26 may be viewed as “paying” for something, especially since verse 27 mentions having nothing to pay. But isn’t it the same concept? If I pledge my time, my resources, my gifts or talents, does it really matter whether it is paid monetarily or in other ways, like my time or talents or resources?

Think about yourself with your family, friends, church, work place, etc. Do you pledge your time, resources, or money, and do you pay on your pledge, whatever it may be? Do you pledge yourself time for prayer and quiet time with God and short change yourself? Going into debt when we “owe” because of our promises can get in the way of how others interact with us, how others view us and entrust us with responsibilities, and how we feel about ourselves.

Thought for the day: What have I pledged to others, and how am I doing at keeping those pledges?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.