Oh, It’s Perfect!

Today’s scripture: Psalm 119:96, II Timothy 2:15 (NRSV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Steve Adams):

When I was in grade school, I remember looking forward to summer vacation as a perfect, almost endless time filled with long, sunny, carefree days and warm, lazy nights when I could stay up as late as my heart desired. And while I did have some good times, they never approached the idealized vision I had in March or April when I looked forward to them.

Every summer, after just a week or two of “heaven on earth” (no school), I would re-learn the same lesson: life didn’t become perfect just because summer vacation had arrived. And when I became an adult, all that silly idealized thinking fell by the wayside, right? Well, not exactly! It seems old habits die hard. Can you identify?

How many times do I subconsciously expect my partner, spouse, family, job, or church to be perfect? And, if not perfect, then at least mighty close to it? I may say, “Well, I know I can’t expect that!” But, isn’t that what I do if I become irritated at my spouse, friend, or coworker for making a mistake? Maybe I have a bit more of that perfectionistic thinking than I thought! Often the person in question was doing the best they could (II Timothy 2:15), or had a good reason why they weren’t.

Sometimes we simply miss the mark even when we’re really trying. And sometimes the circumstances of life wear down our resolve to put forth our best effort. If so, then Jesus Christ is there to fill us with grace and motivation for tomorrow!

We see glimpses of perfection here on earth, but never the entirety of it. But I think that’s good — it helps us see that we absolutely NEED God. It’s at the point when we’ve done our absolute best, and there’s simply no more we can give — and yet things still need improvement — that we can fall into the strong, loving, tender arms of our heavenly Mother/Father, and TRUST!

Thought for the day: It’s only God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit who can give us the perfection we long for.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.