All I Want is You

Today’s scripture: Psalm 50 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Melody Merida):

What do you get someone who already has everything? I’ve never personally had the problem of finding a gift under those circumstances but I imagine it must be a tough task. Let’s take Oprah for example: What would you give Oprah for her birthday? She already owns just about everything imaginable that she could possibly want, right? And if she wants something she would probably just buy it for herself. So, if you were Gayle, what would you get your best friend for her birthday? What a challenge to find a gift she would actually be thrilled to receive.

I ask that because it is exactly what came to mind when I read Psalm 50 today. I pictured God as David did, standing before the whole earth: “Out of Zion, perfection of beauty, God shines forth.” David paints a portrait of God ready to speak to the inhabitants of earth to declare what must be done to avoid certain death, to be spared the mighty hand of God. What will God say? The one who summons the earth, who owns all matter from which you and I come, could rightfully demand anything from us. The one who was and is and always will be; our Alpha and Omega, our beginning and end, instead demands nothing. When God speaks what is asked of the people of God is not for sacrifice or payment of any sort but for just one simple thing: thanksgiving.

God says in verse 23, “Those who bring thanksgiving as their sacrifice, honor me.” That’s it. God says, essentially, “I don’t want any burnt offerings; don’t you know that I already own everything you could burn for me? I don’t need your flowery words; don’t you know I see through them, right to your core? All I really want is you. I want you to tell me everything you think I already know. I want your thanksgiving; I want you to call out to me. I just want you.”

That is exactly what you give someone who already has everything. You give them more of yourself; because, in the end, that’s all that matters anyway.

Thought for the day:  God says to you, “All I want is YOU!” Don’t worry about knowing enough, giving enough, or being enough. Just be you and it will be enough.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.