Filling Space

Today’s scripture: Matthew 12:43-45 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

God created us as spiritual beings. We are physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. We have the capacity to fill our spaces with things that are good for us, that help us to grow, and that draw us closer to God. I think we all like to think that we allow God to fill our lives and spaces, helping us to grow and mature. But do we always?

There are times in life when there is a large space to fill up, but we may chose to fill it up with other stuff like pride, food, work, sex, shopping, etc. When we do this, it never seems to get full. We keep filling it up with things other than God, and we allow that space to get filled more and more with things that are not of God. What’s happening? We never seem to quench our thirst, or our hunger, or our selfish desires; and it seems to grow larger and larger, and it needs continual feeding. It just grows. Our consumer-oriented society and the ideals it perpetuates about having more, getting more, getting the best, and having the best overwhelm us as the right way to live. So filling that space with all this stuff is reinforced. But what would it look like if we fill those spaces with God?

When we start to fill that space with God and allow God to clean house and fill it up, then God grows in us. God can fill us with the mercy and forgiveness and love that we are seeking but not finding in other ways. We can find the connection and purpose in life that will sustain us for the long haul. As we spend time in worship, quiet time and prayer, service, connecting with others in community, and spreading generosity, we fill those spaces with God, and we deepen our relationship with God in the process. Filling those spaces with God more and more leaves less space for other stuff.

Thought for the Day: What are you filling your spaces with?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.