
Today’s scripture: Luke 14:15-24 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Genese Parker):

On Facebook, I often receive invitations to events. I must admit that frequently those events come across my computer screen and I click “not going” without even considering if the event is important or a good cause, or if people whom I enjoy spending time with will be in attendance. Unfortunately, this means that I’m likely to miss out on opportunities to support causes that I believe in; I’m likely to miss out on opportunities to support the efforts that my friends are making to improve their communities; I’m likely to miss out on opportunities to connect with old friends and to make new friends. There are other events that I consider and then click “maybe” even if deep down I know that I will not be attending the event.

Actually, as I am writing this, I realize that I might be getting myself into trouble with some of my friends. You see, I have seen God do some amazing things through people in my life. I have friends who have answered the call to go into full time ministry. Many of them serve as missionaries, pastors, evangelists, and preachers both internationally and domestically. I have no doubt that lives are being changed, saved, and reshaped as God builds the kingdom of heaven through these people. All of this is happening because God is awesome, but also because these people agreed to accept the invitation that was extended to them to be a part of what God is doing to build the kingdom of heaven and to do God’s will here on earth as it is in heaven.

As the old Negro spiritual song says, “God is Still in the Blessing Business!”  God blesses us not only by loving us, accepting us, and providing for us, but also by inviting us to participate in what God is doing to bless people. In the story in Luke 14, a homeowner prepared a great banquet and invited his friends to attend. But everyone said that they had better things to do. The homeowner was upset, but he had an elaborate banquet with amazing food and entertainment ready for guests to enjoy. He was determined to not let it go to waste. Just like God, this man was in the blessing business. If his friends did not want to enjoy his celebration, he would find someone who would.

The scripture says: “Then the owner of the house became angry and ordered his servant, ‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame.’”

The homeowner was determined to share this blessing with anyone who would receive it. He even sent his servants out to gather people from the streets a second time so that his home would be full. Just like God, this homeowner was determined to bless as many people as possible. So like I said before, God is in the blessing business, but are we open to receiving those blessings? How many times does God invite us to participate in a new ministry at church, to check out an Oasis group, or to have a spiritual conversation with a coworker, and we reply with excuses about being too busy?

Prayer for the Day: Lord, thank you for the daily invitations to hang-out with you and feast on the spiritual food that you offer us at your great banquet. Lord, thank you for inviting us to participate in what you are doing to bless people in this world and to advance the kingdom of heaven on earth. Lord, please help us to slow down, to consider your daily invitations, and to remove the useless excuses that keep us from spending time with you and being a part of what you are doing to bless as many people as possible.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.