Let It Shine!

Today’s scripture: John 12:35-36 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Jeff Cope):

One of my favorite parts about Christmas is the decorative lights. All of the multi-colored lights shining brightly in the dark of night or in a dimly lit living room. There is something about them that is so very peaceful to me. As a kid, I had a small tree in my room, and I loved laying down at night and falling asleep watching the bubble lights that adorned it.

How very symbolic that we have something so comforting and warm this time of year to celebrate the birth of Jesus. For he is the true light over darkness. He came to give us hope that outshines any light on earth.

While this life is short and broken, we can all find peace that we will live on forever in the presence of such a perfect God. Jesus left the beauty, light, and perfection of heaven to come to earth and to suffer on our behalf. He did so in order to give all of us the chance at eternal life with him.

Thought for the day: Christmas gives us the opportunity to celebrate the light of Jesus, to put him at the forefront, and to remember the sacrifice he made for us. It is also the perfect opportunity to let others know that Jesus wants a personal relationship with them and that his light shines on forever.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.