Wrap Me in Your Arms

Today’s scripture: Psalm 125 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Don Clark):

“Everyone who trusts the Lord is like Mount Zion that cannot be shaken and will stand forever. Just as Jerusalem is protected by mountains on every side, the Lord protects his people by holding them in his arms now and forever. He won’t let the wicked rule his people or lead them to do wrong. Let’s ask the Lord to be kind to everyone who is good and completely obeys him. When the Lord punishes the wicked, he will punish everyone else who lives a crooked life. Pray for peace in Israel!” (Psalm 125:1-5; CEV).

Psalms provide us with spiritual insight and imagery for every human condition and emotion.

Psalm 125 speaks to the possibility of an unshakeable faith in God in spite of what may be happening in our life right now.

Our spiritual journey can be compared to the imagery of Jerusalem peacefully protected by the mountains and established on unshakeable Mount Zion (representing the eternal Commonwealth of God.) This imagery in scripture is juxtaposed with the imagery of unbelieving hearts turning aside to their own evil ways and being led captive away from the City of Peace. Indeed, the history of Israel with its on again-off again relationship with its Lord corresponds with our spiritual journey at times! Those who unwaveringly trust in the Lord are vindicated, but those who are indifferent to the ways of God will indeed lack God’s effectual presence in their life.

A few years ago there was a popular praise song with a chorus that said, “Wrap me in your arms, Wrap me in your arms . . .” over and over again. I don’t remember the name of the band, but I do remember closing my eyes and imagining God holding me. The imagery of being held tightly by God like a child being held by a loving parent is imagery I really need now and then. How about you? The imagery of Jerusalem surrounded by majestic mountains compared to the Lord surrounding and encircling us with God’s constant love is powerful and presents us with eternal hope.

Thought for the day: The Lord indeed holds us in God’s arms now and forever!

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.