For the Lord’s Steadfast Love Endures Forever

Today’s scripture: Psalm 136 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Keith Phillips):

This is a favorite psalm of mine. I like that it tells of God at work throughout the history of God’s people. And I like how it does that, by means of a particular structure. There are 26 verses about what God has done in Israel’s story, and 26 times the phrase, “for [the Lord’s] steadfast love endures forever,” is repeated. I’m a big fan of congregational participation in worship, and that’s exactly what’s going on here. Imagine the Israelites gathered at the Temple to worship; and this psalm is used. The priests speak the first half of each verse, and then the congregation follows with the refrain, “for [the Lord’s] steadfast love endures forever.”

If I were to develop a litany, based on this structure and emphasizing my spiritual journey, it might look like this:

One:      O give thanks to the Lord, for the Lord is good,

All:          for the Lord’s steadfast love endures forever.

One:      The Lord is the One who birthed me into a family of strong Christian values,

All:          for the Lord’s steadfast love endures forever;

One:      who took me from the conservative wilderness of New Hampshire,

All:          for the Lord’s steadfast love endures forever;

One:      who brought me into the enlightenment of a liberal arts college in Massachusetts,

All:          for the Lord’s steadfast love endures forever;

One:      who transformed me by the power of the Holy Spirit,

All:          for the Lord’s steadfast love endures forever;

One:      who, through Bill Cook, revealed to me my gay sexual orientation,

All:          for the Lord’s steadfast love endures forever;

One:      who, at about the same time, empowered the Stonewall Inn queens not to take it anymore,

All:          for the Lord’s steadfast love endures forever;

One:      who raised up Rev. Troy Perry, founder of the first MCC congregation,

All:          for the Lord’s steadfast love endures forever;

One:      who called me into pastoral ministry,

All:          for the Lord’s steadfast love endures forever;

One:      who led me to a Quaker seminary and to American Baptist pastorates in Indiana;

All:          for the Lord’s steadfast love endures forever;

One:      who detoured me into a marriage, producing two glorious children,

All:          for the Lord’s steadfast love endures forever;

One:      who, against my “better” judgment, permitted the marriage to be dissolved,

All:          for the Lord’s steadfast love endures forever;

One:      who opened the way into hospice chaplaincy,

All:          for the Lord’s steadfast love endures forever;

One:      who gifted me with a friend, Brad Burton, prompting me to become publicly gay again,

All:          for the Lord’s steadfast love endures forever;

One:      who led me to an affirming community of faith, Jesus MCC/LifeJourney Church,

All:          for the Lord’s steadfast love endures forever;

One:      and who leads me forward into the future, by faith, one step at a time,

All:          for the Lord’s steadfast love endures forever.

One:      O give thanks to the Lord, for the Lord is good,

All:          for the Lord’s steadfast love endures forever.

Thought for the day: Take some time to develop a litany based on your own spiritual journey, remembering from your past that “the Lord’s steadfast love endures forever.”

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.