The Middle Passage

Today’s scripture: 2 Cor 4:16-5:10 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Lynnette Pullen-Bradford):

I have been on a journey seeking health and fitness for some time now. It has been difficult watching others pass me by. Some have passed me by only to fail and have to go back to the beginning. I don’t judge them. I did that, too. Sometimes I get discouraged and want to quit. Other times, I find myself full of renewed energy and hope, but my goal is still a long way off. A few nights ago, I sat and pondered my current position; tired, very far from the beginning, but still a long way from the end. I came to grips with the fact that I am in the middle passage. It’s the place in a trial where you are too far to go back to the start but you can’t see the end yet. It’s the spot where we toil, pray, and struggle in the hopes of change without any evidence that it may be happening. It feels like walking up a hill in sand, in the dark — two steps forward, two steps back — never knowing where we are. We tend to spend a lot of time in the middle.

But it is also in the middle where we develop, where GOD molds and shapes us. While it’s true that my original purpose for starting this journey was to gain health, GOD had another, higher purpose. On my quest to renew my body, GOD renewed my mind and my spirit. GOD has taken this opportunity to cultivate perseverance, knowledge, patience, peace, and strength in me. It’s uncomfortable. I don’t like it; but I know I need it. While I want to respect my body and honor it as a gift from GOD, the truth is this body will one day pass away and my spirit will live on. The health that I so desperately seek now will be of no consequence once my body has given out. But what will remain is the development of my character. These are the true treasures that we are to pursue and hold close while navigating our trials in life.

If you find yourself in the middle, as I am, first know that you are not alone. Second, take time to recognize and acknowledge the spiritual growth that is happening to you. It helps to remember that your effort is not in vain. While our bodies are meant to eventually fade, our spirits are always renewing and growing. As unpleasant as it is, know that this is GOD’s refining process and the changes made in the middle produce spiritual gifts that we could not develop any other way. I mean, how do you learn to develop peace in the midst of storm if you never go through a storm? It is the storm that forces us to hold and cherish our peace. Lastly, never give up. As Christians, we are not called to an easy life. Not that we are to be in a constant state of pain and suffering, but this life is about so much more than living in our own comfort zones. I’ve heard it said this way: GOD never promised a safe flight, just a safe landing.   Keep pressing to the end. Know that, if you are in the middle, and you can’t yet see the end, it is a good place to be.

Prayer for the day: GOD, thank YOU for developing our spirits in the midst of trials. Help us to get through the middle passage. Sometimes it is long and we become discouraged because we can’t see the start or the finish line. Carry us when we are weak, comfort us when we are scared, and protect us from dangers seen and unseen. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.