Hungry for Righteousness

Today’s scripture: Psalm 103:5, Matthew 5:6 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Steve Adams):

It’s been more than twenty years since I met with a dietitian who told me I had to go on a radically new diet. I couldn’t consume any concentrated sugars, caffeine, or alcohol, because I had recently been diagnosed with hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). I also needed to eat small meals, no more than three or four hours apart. All of this had to be done for the rest of my life.

While this sounds overly-restrictive and “no fun,” I embraced it because I had been experiencing bad headaches, extreme fatigue, inability to think clearly, anxiousness, and irritability. The dietitian explained how there was no medicine available to cure my condition, but that his new diet would turn me around. And it did! It was a wonderful new chapter in my life to be able to be active, think clearly, and consistently feel good.

Psalm 103 is a glorious chapter to read in its entirety. I highly recommend it! This particular verse may not stand out at first, but I see a gem of wisdom here! “[God] satisfies thy mouth with good things. . . ” What does that mean? Well, to me “thy mouth” refers to our appetites. It’s through our mouth that we satisfy two of our biggest appetites, hunger and thirst.

Choice is inherent in appetite, though — the choice between good and bad. We could go all the way back to Adam and Eve to see a profound story of people struggling with how to satisfy their desires. Do I choose something good to satisfy my hunger or something bad, even if the bad choice seems more pleasurable? And how much of it do I want? Way too much, or a sensible, moderate amount? And what is a sensible amount, anyway?

One day as I was standing in the check-out line at the grocery, I could feel my blood sugar was low. I had become drowsy, my mind had become cloudy, and I was getting anxious about little things. So, how was I going to satisfy my appetite? I glanced over at the rack full of sugar-filled candy and spotted a delicious candy bar in a beautiful, shiny wrapper. Yes, it is a very concentrated sugar, but, yes, I would love to eat it! I had a choice to make. Was I going to wait until I got home and satisfy my mouth with a good thing (like fruit) or rashly grab something that, for me at least, would be unhealthy?

We face similar choices all the time. How will I satisfy my appetite for:

  • Spending money?
  • Excitement?
  • Physical intimacy?
  • Partying?
  • Laziness?

That’s why I love this verse! God satisfies our desires with good things. It may not be what seems most attractive at first glance, but it’s what satisfies us deep in our spiritual hearts, draw us closer to Jesus, and results in a life that’s richer and more meaningful than we could have imagined. Our youth, our vigor, is renewed like the eagle’s!

Thought for the day: God, I love you! Help me not to forget that you have fantastic things in store to satisfy all my longings, and that you’ll give me the patience to wait for them when necessary.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.