What Have You Done For Me Lately?

Today’s scripture: Psalm 78:1-20 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (John Seksay):

When people chat among themselves, they are very likely to talk about what has made them happy and content. They will list their recent successes and the events that brought them satisfaction. After all, who wants to admit they make serious mistakes? What kind of loser does that?

Today’s reading starts out sounding like a litany to the faithfulness of the Lord and the obedience of the Lord’s chosen people. It shows the faithfulness of the Lord, but also reflects upon the lack of faith and absence of gratitude among the current Israelites. “God was good and your ancestors were a bunch of ungrateful wretches!” Who would want to recite this history to his family and community?

Today’s psalm answers that question rather bluntly: The kind of loser that doesn’t want to repeat the same mistake over and over. The kind of person that would rather hand down to his or her children the answer instead of the problem. The kind of person that finally got the point of the process, which is to remain among God’s chosen people, meaning that we must choose God’s guidance consistently, at all times and under all conditions.

For me, my mind keeps playing Janet Jackson when she sings, “What have you done for me lately?” And as the words echo, I am unsure if the voice is a shortsighted people repeating their mistakes, or a patient God reminding them of what they should be busier doing. In reality, it’s probably both at the same time. After all, both voices can be heard all through the lessons of the Bible! If we want to be less foolish, we must be wise enough to know we are fools to begin with!

Thought for the day: God, I know that you are always trying to work things for the good. Please assist me when I seem impatient or ignorant of your efforts! Remind me that your blessings are most bountiful when I work with them rather than against them.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.