What a Difference A Day Can Make

Today’s scripture: Acts 9:19b-31 (NRSV) (The Message)

As you read, consider: What might God be saying to me? Summarize your thoughts in a sentence or two.

My thoughts (David Zier):

When I was younger, I was usually a pretty good kid, but I think I may have only selective memories of how I was.

If you had asked my mother or father (and even though I was generally good) they would remember the argumentative teenager. . . the know-it-all who thought he had the answers to life’s questions. . . the son who instigated the actions of the CRT (Clinton Rolling Team) and resulted in his own families’ home and yard covered in FEET of straw and cases of toilet paper. . . the college student who was taken for a lot of money by friends and fraternity brothers, and sometimes made bad relationship decisions when he was young.

Some of you are probably thinking, “Wow, I didn’t know David could be so much fun!” 🙂

I had made the decision to follow Jesus earlier as a teen, and I thought it would just automatically happen. *POOF!* There I am — fully-formed follower of Christ, always doing the right things. Well, maybe this happens for some, but for me, transformation happens slowly, as part of a conversational relationship with God.

In today’s scripture we read about the story of Paul’s conversion. After recovering his sight, he is now proclaiming Jesus as the Son of God — which was a complete turnaround from where he was before. All were amazed because they remembered the way he was. When Paul tried to join the disciples they were afraid of him; an ex-murderer of Christians. So, Paul tries even more fervently to proclaim Jesus.

How different is my life because of Jesus? Jesus loves us as we are, but he never leaves us as we are. Look at what happens in the transformation of Saul/Paul. Are we, with Paul, willing to lay down our former life to receive a`totally new life from Jesus and live it boldly in the world around us?

Thought for the day: What do I need to set aside or turn from today?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.