Finding Your Voice

Today’s scripture: Luke 1:68-79 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Tommy Chittenden):

Have you seen the Christmas classic Miracle On 34th Street? The 1947 novel became a movie the same year, earning the author an Academy Award for the Best Original Story. Edmund Gwenn, who played Kris Kringle, won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. But who could ever forget the child actor, Natalie Wood, who won hearts as Susan Walker, the little girl whose doubt in the existence of Santa Claus is transformed by her association with Kris Kringle.

Miracle On 34th Street might just stand beside It’s a Wonderful Life as the most enduring of America’s holiday movies. Reaffirming faith in a modern, often-cynical world is what life is all about as believers. It’s not a faith in St. Nicholas or Father Christmas, but in the truth and wonder that the Almighty God of the Universe came to mankind as a babe in a manger.

So many today don’t buy it, or at least seem unmoved by the reality of Christmas judging by the way life is lived. Do you ever perceive a bit of Susan Walker taking up residence in your life?

Let’s take a closer look at today’s scripture. Elizabeth was with child. She was filled with the Holy Spirit as was the child within her. Unbelieving — and now mute — Dad by this time is quite aware that God’s Word is coming true.

At the circumcision of the child, where the “naming ceremony” occurs, the priest asks, “What name is given to this child?” Dad couldn’t speak, so Elizabeth did. Everyone fully expected that his name would be Zech Jr., but Mom surprises everyone and says, “Nope, his name is John.” Names were very important to Hebrew families. There was no name like John in their family. While the debate was going on, Dad interrupts by scribbling on a tablet: “His name is John!”

I absolutely love that. Because he did not believe Gabriel’s words (vs. 20) he had been rendered speechless “until the proper time.” Not knowing when that might be, Zechariah, in an act of faith, facilitated by witnessing the truth of prophecy unfolding right in front of him, scribbled on a tablet — and the Holy Spirit came upon Zechariah who then preached like he had never preached before! “Blessed is the Lord God of Israel, for He has visited and redeemed His people.”

Is this a moment in time for you to stop, consider the song of your own heart, pleading to be set free so it can express its only true nature: how to be love? Maybe you’re not ready to give a personal testimony, sing a song of praise or preach a sermon, but you can sit with yourself and “scribble” what you KNOW God has been doing in your life, name it, write it. God was in it. God did this. I see it. There’s no other way to explain it.

The music of the Lord God invaded Zechariah’s soul, and the wonder and joy and freedom he experienced prompted him to powerfully announce that “salvation was at hand.” It can be the same for you and me as we marvel in the truth and wonder of the miracle of a life, our life, as it is daily transformed by love, God’s perfect Love!

Thought for today: A believer who is happy and joyful is a true Zechariah, one whose soul has been renewed. What testimony can you sing — or even “scribble” — about a new life because of Christ?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.