Our To-Do List

Today’s scripture: I Thessalonians 4:13-18 (NLT)

As you read, consider: What might God be saying to me? Summarize your thoughts in a sentence or two.

My thoughts (Julie Benson):

I am always stunned by death.

It stops me in my tracks.

I have been stung by the news of the tragic death of one of our church members, William Carnes.

I am just stuck today. Every twenty minutes I obsessively check the news websites seeking more information, searching for clues, looking to make sense of this, hoping that someone will take it all back because I just can’t believe what I am reading.

This gentle-spirited man could never have known that this day would be his last. There was too much on his to-do list. His work was probably spread out all over his desk, waiting for another day to get it all done. Dishes and laundry may have been piled up. Was the bed made? Did he make that important phone call? Were the Christmas cards only half-done?

This tragedy serves as another piercing reminder that life is precious.

I have always carried a naive notion that when it’s time to die, our papers will be neatly stacked and filed away, our homes will be tidy, we will be wearing clean underwear, and we will have checked everything off our to-do list.

But our to-do lists will never be done to our satisfaction.

Today I am re-prioritizing my list — again. The paperwork, the dishes, the errands, and the busyness have now been shuffled behind laughter, gratitude, gentleness, forgiveness, and love.

As I allow myself to grieve this loss, I also remember the promise of resurrection offered by Jesus Christ, our Lord. It is with this hope that I recommit myself to righteous living and to the wonderful joy that I find in our salvation.

Thought for the day: Allow yourself to grieve. Remember the resurrection. Live life with hope and love.

Following is a recording of one of William’s favorite songs, For Those Tears I Died:


We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.