Expect the Unexpected!

Today’s scripture: Luke 2:1-20 (NRSV) (The Message)

As you read, consider: What might God be saying to me? Summarize your thoughts in a sentence or two.

My thoughts (Rev. Tammy Mills):

A few days ago my wife said something that really got us both laughing. We were both exasperated about something, when suddenly she said, “That just wasn’t in my PLAN!”

We both began to chuckle and name off all the things in our lives that weren’t “in the plan.” First, we weren’t in each others plan! I had planned to grow up and marry Johnny Bench!

Our sweet kitty Ringo wasn’t in the “plan.” One day his cry reached our bedroom window and even though we already had the two cats we had “planned” for, he was soon home at our place.

This time last year our oldest daughter had open heart surgery — that surely wasn’t in our plan! A few Sundays ago our truck was broken into and thieves stole our identities and gave themselves a VERY merry Christmas. That wasn’t in our plan!

The old saying goes, “We plan, God laughs.” When we really thought about it, we discovered that those unexpected things were really some of our best moments and some of the best things in our lives. Certainly, our oldest having surgery or our truck getting broken into weren’t good things, but they each taught us important lessens and highlighted some really good characteristics of our family. When things got tough, we all four really pull together and root for each other! We really are each other’s best support.

Advent reminds us to expect the unexpected. To be open to the unexpected and to even think about being grateful for the unexpected. I would go so far as to say, if we don’t look for Jesus in unexpected places we may miss him entirely!

No one expected the savior to be born in a barn…

No one expected unclean shepherds to be invited to the birthing room…

No one expected an unmarried girl to give birth…

No one expected Joseph to raise Jesus as his own…

No one expected…

Thought for the day: Are you open to the unexpected? Do you look for Jesus in unlikely places? This Christmas day look for Jesus in the places you would least expect to find him and be amazed!

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.