Sturdy Foundations

Today’s scripture: I Corinthians 3:10-15 (NRSV) (The Message)

As you read, consider: What might God be saying to me? Summarize your thoughts in a sentence or two.

My thoughts (Mark Shoup):

Since I’m relatively new to our Church, it’s still easy for me to be amazed how Jesus MCC has grown from a handful of Spirit-guided people meeting in a living room to the large and vibrant body we see around us today. Part of me is sometimes even a little bit sad or envious that I wasn’t here to witness some of the milestones we have passed along the way.

But as far as we have come, there is still so much more left to do. I get very excited when we talk about where we sense God leading our Church, and all the things God is calling us to do. Many of these things — or maybe all of them — would simply not be possible without the sturdy foundation laid by the founding and early members of our congregation. They heard God’s voice and acted on it, daring to challenge the status quo.

Who would have thought while 40 or so of us were worshiping in a borrowed space that God was preparing us to publish books and CDs; to raise billboards that would cause an entire city, and then a nation, to rethink what they thought they knew the Bible said about GLBT people; and to make our sermons available on the internet, first as audio, then as video, and then working towards television itself.

It would have surely been unimaginable for those early members to envision all the lives our Church would eventually touch — but God could see it. God knew all along the direction we should go. And all that was asked of our people was to listen to God’s leading, and to follow.

I’m not sure exactly where we are at right now. Is our Church’s foundation laid and are we starting to build the walls? Or is God’s plan for us so grand that even though so much has happened already, we are still pouring the foundation? Only God knows. And no matter where we are in God’s great scheme of things, it is up to us to continue to listen for God’s voice and work toward that end.

And that is very exciting!

Thought for the day: Am I listening for God’s plan, and am I following it?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.