The Kingdom of God Within

Today’s scripture: Mark 4:30-34 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message)

As you read, consider: What might God be saying to me? Summarize your thoughts in a sentence or two.

My thoughts (Tammy Mills):

I love this story. It is so cool to think that something as small as a little seed can grow to such heights and depths! Seeds really are “magic”.

I have watched my kids marvel at how they can plant a seed in our garden and then watch it become a green bean, or peas, or even a potato. My kids also love to plant seeds in sandwich baggies so they can watch the roots grow. Roots are truly amazing. They provide such a strong foundation for plants.

It rocks my world to think that the Kingdom of God is like a little seed. I have come to believe the seeds of the kingdom reside in me, and that it is my privilege to sow those seeds where ever I go. I love sowing seeds of the kingdom and I love watching the seed of the kingdom others have sown in my life grow.

Recently, two emails have reminded me how important it is to both receive the kingdom of God and to sow seed of the kingdom of God.

The first was an email I wrote to an old seminary buddy. I got in touch with her to simply say that her acts of kindness during my seminary years are not forgotten and that they had taken root in my life in many ways. It felt great to thank her and to reflect on how she had helped grow the kingdom of God in my life.

The second email came out of nowwhere from a former parishioner thanking me for the seeds of the kingdom I had sown in the life of his family.

These two emails remind me that we are both the “farmer” and the “ground” when it comes to sowing the seeds of the kingdom of God.

Thought for the day: The kingdom of God is within us. Are we sowing the seeds where ever we go? Are we acknowledging those who are sowing the seeds of the kingdom in our lives?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.