Road Weary

Today’s scripture: Mark 7:24-30 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message)

As you read, consider: What might God be saying to me? Summarize your thoughts in a sentence or two.

My thoughts (Cheryl Stonestreet):

This is one of those biblical stories where I see multiple layers. Many of the commentaries focus on the wording in the conversation between the Syrophoenician woman and Jesus, i.e. the references to children, food, and dogs. However, this is a passage where I saw another snapshot of Jesus’ humanness.

After extended travel, Jesus wants only to quietly slip away to rest. And there, first thing, is a foreign woman asking for help. It’s like he was thinking, “Look, I just want to eat and put my feet up, okay?” He tries to dismiss her, telling her metaphorically that he is here for the Jewish people, not Gentiles — now please just go away. Then she argues with him. “Sir, even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.” (NRSV) In other words, in the end Jews and Gentiles both receive the same keys to God’s kingdom. I can almost see a wry smile breaking across Jesus’ exhausted face. Yes, she makes a good point. He grants her her request; her daughter’s demon is gone.

This Jesus encounter teaches me to be careful when I get weary. It’s easy to rebuff people or become curt when I’m tired. I’m also less likely to listen to reason. I am less compassionate and empathetic when I’m drained. Here, I get to see Jesus work through that common human state and handle it with grace and love. Instead of chastising this Gentile woman for talking back to him, Jesus tells her in so many words, “Yes, of course you are right. You too are deserving of God’s goodness.”

I get easily overwhelmed with all the bad news that is circulating. An uncountable number of people have lost their homes and jobs. Hunger abounds all around the world and in our own city. Crime is rampant. It is easy to shut down, shut it all off, and stop listening. But that is not what Jesus did. Instead he listened, acknowledged, and acted lovingly.

Thought for the day: What forces are draining me? Am I too busy to connect with others around me? Maybe I can’t perform miracles, but is there something I can do to be of service to others?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.