Know What I Mean?

Today’s scripture: Genesis 11:1-9 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Julie Walsh):

Considering that Brent and I drive as a team on a semi-truck, we spend a lot of time together. With all of that time comes a lot of practice in our communication skills, and we like to think that we excel in this area. We know how to share intimate thoughts and feelings in a healthy and mature manner. We can express difference of opinion and passionately debate conflicting values without hollering and screaming, becoming offended, or taking it too personally. Subtle gestures can serve as clear communication without a single word.

But every now and then, we have a conversation like this one that occurred this past Sunday evening:

Brent: “Do you think people can learn to sing after the age of 35 or do you think they’ve already reached their potential? I was talking today with Lynn who asked me this question after she told me that Sarah thinks she can’t sing.”

Julie: “Lynn thinks Sarah can’t sing?”

Brent: “No, Sarah thinks Lynn can’t sing.”

Julie: “Oh, so Sarah thinks Lynn can’t sing?”

Brent: “Right. Lynn thinks she sings ok, but Sarah told her she is only on key 10% of the time and just shouldn’t sing.”

Julie: “As Lynn ages her voice will begin to change, including unsteadiness and the ‘old-lady-warble.’ I have heard her sing flat from time to time, but when I made her aware of that, she consciously worked to correct the problem. I don’t think it’s fair to say she is only on key 10% of the time.”

Brent: “It doesn’t seem that Lynn is old enough to have that problem yet.”

Julie: “Well, I don’t know how old she is. I’m sure she’s older than 35. Do you think Sarah has something against Lynn?”

Brent: “I think their relationship is just fine. Lynn sang to Sarah when they first started dating and Sarah laughs about it still today because she thought Lynn never could sing.”

Julie: “I am so confused! Who are you talking about?”

Brent: “Lynne and Sarah Kaminski. Who did you think I was talking about?”

Julie: “Lynn and Sarah from the music ministry, not the Lynne and Sarah you were talking about!”

This was one of our more comical miscommunications, but the entire week prior to this was filled with more serious interactions of the same mismatched caliber. We both struggled with hurt feelings when details were misunderstood or altogether not heard.

Today’s reading indicates that when God saw the men of Shinar erecting a tower for their own glory, God confused their language so they would no longer have an ability to communicate. Construction abruptly ceased and the people were scattered across the world, speaking different languages. I suspect all of this occurred because their project was not commissioned by God.

It seems Brent and I have been living in the town of Babel. In my gut, I sense that when my communication with my spouse is nothing but babble, there is something deeper going on that is not commissioned by God. So, it’s time to reflect on what else may be out of sync in my life.

Have I taken any steps backward? What have I been taking for granted? In what ways have I been acting selfishly, rather than selfllessly? What kind of attitude have I assumed when responding to everyday situations? When I address these issues and put the little details back into check, my personal interaction with others will undoubtedly improve and I will face fewer episodes of miscommunication.

Thought for the day: In what areas am I miscommunicating? Is it a project God didn’t commission? Is something else out of sync?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.