You’re Invited

Today’s scripture: Genesis 18:1-15 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Kristin Lee):

In today’s scripture, Abraham asks three travelers to take a break from their journey to rest and eat. He took it upon himself to make sure the meal prepared was the very best. It was only then he realized one of the guests was the Lord.

By Abraham’s actions and his attention to his guests’ needs, one would think he knew their true identity at first glance. But as the story is told, it’s clear that it was only after the offer was extended and preparation began that identities were known.

I recall a time in my childhood when I was treated, as a visitor, with such care. I had spent the night with a friend whose family had very little money. The next morning, I sat with her and her siblings at the kitchen table eating cereal. After we finished, their mother went to the cabinet above the refrigerator and brought down a bowl of toys collected over time from the cereal boxes. There was a flurry of excitement from the children and my friend that I found to be out of proportion with the value of the toys. I mean, cereal toys are fun, but they’re far from the best. Then I realized that these small plastic-wrapped toys were probably the only toys the family would receive in some time, and the mother held out one of the small plastic toys for me.

Over twenty years later, I still remember that moment of gratefully accepting the toy. I’m sure I’ll remember it still in another twenty years.

Thought for the day: What gifts — no matter how small — has God given me that I need to generously share with others?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.