The Importance of Being Gwendolyn

Today’s scripture: Matthew 6:1-4 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Melody Merida):

I like the way the Message Bible presents these words of Jesus. The word used for hypocrites, as it appears in most other versions, is “playactors”. I like that choice of word because, of course, it reminds me of a story.

As a teenager I was very interested in the theatre. I performed in several productions and loved every minute of it! But it caused me to get a little full of myself. I can remember one production in which my character’s name was Gwendolyn. The setting for the play was old England so I practiced my English accent for months. As opening day drew near I decided to embrace an aspect of method acting which I had read about when studying Sissy Spacek’s approach to acting. This method meant that I had to live all the time as the character I was portraying — on stage and off stage.

So, I began using the English accent everywhere I went, even at home; I requested that everyone refer to me as Gwendolyn, no longer would I be Melody. I was sure this was the only way in which I could embody the spirit of my character and deliver what I hoped would be a knock-out performance. It would have been fairly innocuous if I had let it be quiet and simple. In fact, it might have been quite effective in helping me develop my character and hone the accent; but innocuous just wasn’t my style.

Instead, I made a big deal out of it and spoke about it as often as I could. I would go around speaking in this loud, annoying, fake English accent. I would refer to modern day life with curiosity as if I were really from a century gone by. After a while it began to annoy even me! My playacting got me nowhere, except forever saddled with the nickname “Gwen” to remind me of my pride.

When I read today’s passage I was brought back to this humbling time in my life. The connection for me between my story and the Scriptures is sincerity. Just as I wasn’t being sincere with my method acting, so too the playactors Jesus speaks about are acting out of insincerity. As the Message tells us, the applause fades away and it eventually reveals whether or not we are living authentically. As a follower of Jesus, I must commit myself each day to work for the applause of the Divine, not worrying about accolades from anyone else. I have to remind myself that the only audience I should seek to impress is God.

Thought for the day: Do good simply for the sake of doing good. Let’s each one of us commit ourselves to live with sincerity and authenticity today so we may receive the applause of heaven. Break a leg!

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.