Words to Build a Life On

Today’s scripture: Matthew 7:24-29 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Brenda Corbello):

In January of 1909, the New York Times published an article about a group in Cleveland, Ohio who experimented with intentionally trying to live like Christ for two weeks. They would not tell anyone what they were doing, and would not discuss anything about it until the experiment was over.

In the article, they told of the discouragement and frustration that they experienced in the attempt. They felt that it was all but impossible to successfully live like Christ in the modern day. They found it hard to be honest in a business environment that is so often dishonest and deceiving. They also found it difficult to be kind and courteous to customers who were often very unkind and trying.

I began to wonder what it might be like to participate in a similar exercise. If it was difficult in 1909, what might it be like 100 years later? This passage talks of “foundational words, words to build a life on.” I am sure I often stray from the Christian foundations taught by Jesus.

How might I carry His principles into my daily life, at home and at work? If Jesus were to work in a modern office setting, what might He do differently? Would He be able to find a way to be honest and successful at the same time? Would He be able to find a way to be kind and understanding to angry customers? Would He be courteous to rude co-workers?

What might it be like if we just tried to live more like Christ in our interactions with each other at home? Would Jesus scream at His children if they neglected to pick up their dirty clothes for the hundredth time? Would He be unkind to His partner just because He had a really stressful day at work? Would He lose His patience with the repairman who arrived two hours late? There are so many times when I have the opportunity to behave in a much more Christian manner.

We have often heard that we may be the only Bible some people ever read. I am afraid I may not have been a very reliable copy lately. I think I will take this opportunity to make a few revisions.

Thought for the day: Join me in this exercise of deliberately attempting to live a more authentic Christian life. Spend some time in prayer, and ask for the strength to live more like Christ in your everyday life, at home and at work.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.