And My Dog Died, Too!

Today’s scripture: Matthew 21:14-17 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Cheryl Stonestreet):

It was a Good Friday evening service. All of the pre-sermon rituals had taken place. My brother and his family were sitting in their usual pew close to the front. It had been a tough day. They went to the service hoping to forget how hard it had been. The lights in sanctuary dimmed. The spotlights on the pastor were raised. He began his sermon. “Today is the day that Jesus died. . .”

“And my dog died, too!” cried out my three-year-old nephew, who then began sobbing uncontrollably. The pastor paused while my sister-in-law carried her crying son out of the sanctuary. A car hit their dog that day.

Every time I remember this, it breaks my heart for the little guy. Whenever I hear the phrase “Out of the mouths of babes,” this is the story I think about. While we often associate this phrase with children innocently telling the truth, it also can mean children show sincere emotions, too.

It’s no secret that as we grow older we become more stoic, less genuine, even. We’ve been taught the hard way to not show our true emotions. People will laugh at you. People will think you’re crazy. Somewhere, sometime it became inappropriate. And so we harden our hearts, and we harden our faces. We tame our impulses and we don’t show pain. And we don’t show joy. What will other people think?

Thought for the day: Lord, help me live genuinely today. Let me show praise when I am happy. And if I need to share my pain, let me do this honestly, as well. Help me to remember that I am your child. And as your child, it is always OK to bring what I am feeling to you. Praise God! Amen.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.