Healing Touch

Today’s scripture: Matthew 8:14-17 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Tammy Mills):

Not long ago, my 7 year old stubbed her toe. She came limping up to me with huge tears streaming down her face and outstretched arms. Immediately I embraced her and kissed her stubbed toe and miraculously, the toe was better.

My six year old recently had a bicycle crash that bruised her knee and ego. She came to me with tears and outstretched arms. I embraced her and suddenly everything was better.

Now, I don’t live under the illusion that I have some sort of special gifts of healing, but I do know that a warm embrace or touch can go a long way toward healing our hurts. When I read today’s scripture I envision people coming to Jesus with “outstretched arms” and Jesus receiving them warmly and then touching them in a way that heals.

Do you have a hurt that needs healed? Meditate on these verses and try to see, in your mind, Jesus reaching out to touch and heal you just as he did Peter’s mother-in-law and the others.

Jesus cares about the things that hurt us and these verses show me that Jesus wants to heal those hurts. Perhaps it can’t ever be explained, but there seems to be no denying, there is power in the healing touch of Jesus.

Thought for the day: Can you imagine yourself coming to Jesus with “outstretched arms” and then receiving a touch that makes things better?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.