The Vending Machine

We’re looking at “building blocks” for soul growth. Today: the S block, for Service.

Today’s scripture: Matthew 20:20-28 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Ben Lamb):

I’m not sure who I most want to yell at: Mrs. Zebedee, or her two brats who comprise nearly 17% of Jesus’ band of disciples. Here she thinks she can put on the act of looking “churchy” for Jesus and hoodwink him into granting her wish. And to top it off, her grown-up kids (who have been with Jesus for nearly three years) think they all can jointly pull off this kooky stunt.

I’m no mind reader, but I’d venture a guess that Jesus might have been thinking:

  • “I am really hurt that they think I’m a vending machine. ‘Step right up, folks. Put in your coins, indicate what you want, and the Son of God is obligated to grant it’.”
  • “They’ve been around me, following, listening — and they still don’t understand?! What have they been doing all this time?”
  • “This will be a learning opportunity to impart some more information of things to come.”

While smugly congratulating myself on the pearls of wisdom that I’d gleaned from this passage, my feet suddenly began to hurt. I looked down. It felt as though somebody (or Somebody) was stepping on them. But why? Uh-oh. A series of thoughts began to flash through my own mind:

  • When was the last time that I filled my prayers with more praise and adoration time than a shopping list of “gimme” time?
  • Do I make it a practice to help others whether or not I receive a bunch of notice? Am I just as happy to serve in a non-glitzy capacity as I am in a high-profile setting?
  • How often do I recall the portion of today’s Scripture: “…the Son of Man came not to be waited on but to serve, and to give His life…”? How often do I put it into practice as I try to “be Jesus” for the rest of the world?

Thought for the day: Jesus has told us that we’re his agents here on earth. He depends on me and you to provide service to others, and to give from out of our lives to others until he returns once again. In this interim period, the Holy Spirit will provide us with all of the assistance and strength we need to carry out Jesus’ wishes.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.