Our Benevolent Dictator

Today’s scripture: Psalm 2:1-4 and Psalm 24:7-10 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts on this passage (Tyler Connoley):

It’s hard for us to grasp what it meant for the biblical authors to talk about God as our King. Today, movie stars are faux royalty, and authentic royals try to gain credibility as movie stars. The President must contend with congressional oversight, and the Prime Minister rules at the whim of the voters. But it wasn’t so in biblical times.

The kings of the ancient near-east were more like what we now call dictators. Some of them, like Solomon, were benevolent. However, those, like Ahab, who were evil still had complete control. They could truthfully say, “The buck stops here.”

Think about the way Kim Jong Il rules North Korea. Nothing happens without his approval, and the entire society is set up to worship him. In such a situation, it would be easy to assume there was no one more powerful than this god-king. But the biblical authors tell us God is the King of kings. Beyond the dictators of this world, there is a Benevolent Dictator who laughs at the things they conspire to do.

For the subjects of a biblical king, particularly an evil ruler, this was a great message of hope: However powerful this dictator may seem, God is more powerful and will one day depose him. And the same is true of anyone who seems to have control over our lives — be it a king, a president, a boss, or a parent.

But what about those inanimate dictators that control us? Sometimes we find ourselves ruled not by people but by addictions or unhealthy thought patterns. In those situations, we can still turn to our Benevolent Dictator, and ask God to take full control. This is the experience of those in recovery. Once they acknowledge the dictatorial nature of their addiction and allow God to be Dictator instead, they find their addictions diminish in power and are eventually deposed.

Thought for the day: Who or what is dictating your decisions? Whatever your answer, God in heaven laughs at the impotence of this world’s dictators. Ask God for help.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to begin, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.