A Conversation in Song

Today’s scripture: Psalm 98 (NRSV) (The MessageWhat might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Julie Walsh):

People who know me quickly realize that music plays a vital role in my life. But it’s not just the pretty song or melody — it is my personal communication with God. I admire folks who can memorize scripture passages with ease. But, I’m just not designed to retain information that way. Put it to music, though, and my song will soar. I envy others who can freely express their feelings, emotions, and passions. But, again, I am often speechless with wonder. The beauty of music is that I can take both scripture and emotional passion and use it to worship God in my daily walk.

There are 139 verses of scripture about singing to the Lord. There is nothing in those passages that say, “Thou must be a beautiful soloist before approaching my throne with song.” Quite the contrary! Psalm 98:4 says, “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Break forth into joyous song and sing praises.”

The most important thing, I believe, is to move deeper within the music and to make the songs our own. That’s when they become true prayer and conversation with God.

Here is the song that my soul has been singing for the past several months:

I love You, Lord

In all times and in all circumstances, I profess my love, admiration, and devotion to You, God.

You are my strength and my shield

Lord, You are my source of hope, comfort, solace, peace, and strength; and You serve as my unwavering guide in my life.

I need Your love

Please, God, wrap Your loving arms around me because I can’t go it alone.

I trust Your wisdom, my Savior

I may not feel it or sense it, but I confess with faith that You will lead me through it all.

For You alone are my God

I will heed only You, God, and not serve wealth, success, or anxieties of the day.

No one loves me like You do

Nothing on earth can satisfy my soul.

I want to show You that I love You

I dig deep within my soul to remind myself to exhibit the fruits of the Spirit for You, living as a true disciple of Christ.

I dedicate my life to You.

I give myself as an offering as a committed Christian devoting my life to Your Word, submitting to Your cause, and surrendering to Your will.

Thought For The Day: Pick one of your favorite spiritual songs and make music before the Lord!

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to begin, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.