Worry Worry Worry!

Today’s scripture: Philippians 4:6-7 (NRSV) (The MessageWhat might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Robert Ferguson):

It seems all we can do these days is worry. How are we going to pay this bill, who is going to pick up the kids, what will I do if someone in my family gets sick? Everywhere we turn there’s a new fear, concern, or trouble. With the state of the world today it’s easy to get caught up in national security fears, gasoline price fears, and fear of Donald Trump’s hair! If we aren’t careful we could spend every waking hour of every waking day being afraid of something.

In today’s reading Paul encourages us to stop worrying and deliver our prayers of praise and request right to the heart of God. We are reminded that is it good to know in these uncertain and ever-changing times that God remains unchanged. It really doesn’t matter what the circumstance or situation is — God is and always will be in control.

Be encouraged!

Paul also reminds us to submit our prayers to God with thanksgiving. We always have to thank God for grace and mercy. I have often been fond of saying that, “God, I don’t care if you never do another thing for me, you have been good to me thus far.” Chief among our requests is that God’s will be done. It seems very popular today to ask God to fill our wish lists and certainly we are encouraged throughout the scriptures to take all of our concerns to the Lord in prayer. But is there anything wrong with just saying “thank you” for one more day?

Be thankful!

Finally, our text reminds us that when we act on our faith and submit our prayers with thanksgiving that our hearts and minds will be guarded by the peace of God, a peace that comes from knowing that God is interested in us and in the things that happen to us. Because we have displayed an interest in what God thinks, we can begin to be reconciled, receive redemption, and experience the peace of God.

Be peaceful!

Thought for the day: If I’m full of worry, does that leave any room for the peace of Christ?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to begin, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.