Rough Waters

Today’s scripture: John 6:15-21 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Tammy Mills):

My favorite TV show these days is Deadliest Catch. I love the complex relationships, the hard work, the waiting to see “how much someone can take before they break” kind of thing!

As I read today’s scripture I thought immediately about Deadliest Catch. (As I am sure most of us did 🙂 ) This year on the show they have had some of the worst storms I have ever seen. Having seen those storms — and the fear on the fishermen’s faces — it gave me a new context as I read about the disciples in rough seas today. Rough seas can be incredibly challenging and fear-inducing.

Life certainly can have the same kind of rough seas! Life can be challenging and fear-inducing.

Today I am asking myself the question, “Who do I let in my boat to help me though rough seas?” The disciples saw Jesus and brought him aboard. I wonder if I see Jesus when the seas of my life are rough. Do I invite him in?

Too many times I try and ride out rough seas or fish through the storms, all alone, like they do on Deadliest Catch. Today I am reminded there is one who stands in rough seas with me.

Thought for the day: Will I open my eyes to see who stands in the rough seas with me?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.