More than Wafers and Grape Juice!

Today’s scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:20 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Tommy Chittenden):

All kinds of people…

  • single, partnered, disabled, black, white, Hispanic
  • young, middle-aged, seniors, gay, straight, trans, bisexual
  • married, divorced, widowed, hiv+, employed, unemployed, recently incarcerated
  • wheelchair-bound, adopted, educated, grieving, joyful, estranged from family
  • first-time guest at LifeJourney, long-time member

It’s one of my favorite times and things to do whenever it takes place. One by one, two by two, entire families, row by row respond. Slowly each one moves down an aisle and stands waiting to be guided to the next available ambassador of love and encouragement, who gently extend what is simply a wafer that has been dipped in grape juice. Nothing intrinsically spiritual or holy about these elements. This moment is not really about what they receive and place in their mouth!

Over countless centuries, monuments and memorials have been constructed and erected to honor, remember, and pay tribute to events in history, or to someone who has made an impact and even changed history. The monument materials chosen are typically the most durable available, chosen to withstand the elements, wear and tear, even abuse. But today, and anytime it is observed, we hold fragile and perishable elements in our hand to honor, remember, and pay tribute to the One that didn’t just benefit humanity, but changed history like no one ever has or likely will!

So over the centuries that Holy Communion has been observed, it hasn’t been because of the “elements” used (I call them visual aids) that has guaranteed its longevity. It’s something much more organic and significant. Something some call mysterious or even mystical, the power inherent in this shared meal depends solely on the love and devotion of Jesus’ followers to consistently “…do this in remembrance of me.”

What makes this moment so amazing for me is what happens and how it happens at LifeJourney Church. We hear a lot about the “C” Block here (representing Connection) and for me, in those moments, I sit and watch it unfold. I see outstretched hands and arms, as if it is the Living Christ receiving each one (see list above) unconditionally, without judgment, without prejudice. And there’s the Connection that is life-giving. Words of comfort, encouragement, and hope. Beautiful words of life.

God, I am thankful for each one who serves as part of LifeJourney Church’s communion team who freely opens their heart so You can make an appeal through them to everyone who comes to your table.

Thought for the day: “We are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making an appeal through us.” How is God making an appeal through me today?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.