Beyond Wishful Thinking

Today’s scripture: John 16:29-33 (NRSV) (KJV) (The MessageWhat might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Kristin Herrmann):

I teach anger management classes to offenders at an adult female prison. I sit before a group of women who want to learn how to change their anger responses. Some of them were taught as children to fight when angry. Many were taught no management skills at all.

So they have developed routines of dealing with anger, allowing the anger to swell until it explodes and flows out uncontrollably. While they hate the consequences of that explosion, the explosion itself is also rewarding. Their anger routines are now familiar, which is comforting, and their routines end with a rush of adrenaline, which feels good, and vindication from a perceived wrong to their person, which restores their honor.

My desire for the participants is for them to believe in and incorporate into their lives better ways to respond to their anger; ways that are new (and feel foreign); ways that don’t feel as good (because they diffuse the situation without adrenaline); ways that encourage turning the other cheek (which implies to them condoning the disrespect). I want them to have faith that these better ways, even though not as easy, will lead them to have the better life they yearn for. As one of the participants rightly said in group, “It’s not easy being the bigger person.”

We all have areas in our lives that we yearn to better. We all have developed behavior responses that lead to undesirable consequences, and while wanting to change, we don’t — because it’s hard. Today’s scripture gives us encouragement to make those changes. Jesus says, “I have overcome the world.” This is a fact, not just an empty promise or a possibility. It’s more than wishful thinking.

Jesus overcame the world, and by following his example by embracing and following the practices he taught (for example, forgiveness and love), we too can overcome the obstacles we face. We must have faith that following Jesus’ ways (the better ways) will enable us to have the better life we desire. That’s a fact.

Thought for the day: By following Jesus, and working to make my life more in line with his, I, too, can overcome the world.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.