
Today’s scripture: Luke 6:37-38 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (John Seksay):

I once read a story about the most populous nation on the planet Earth. The writer communicated the vastness of the number with a very odd statement. He indicated that, if the entire population were lined up behind four initial individuals and set to marching over a cliff, the procession would never end because the current birthrate would replenish the people faster than they were being lost at the front of the line. A large, but measurable, number of people would be come immeasurable because of the rate of replenishment occurring over time.

This seems an odd thought to be triggered by today’s scripture reading! What could this have to do with judgment, forgiveness, giving and receiving? Just this: Destructive forces cannot prevail against a more persistent creative force. If we wish to have our lives blessed, we must become a persistent source of blessings to others.

I will be the first to admit I find this idea daunting! I find judging so easy when I feel offended or threatened. I can be a quick as anyone to recount the stories of injuries done to me! But when I do, a predictable thing happens. I feel the bitterness, the grief, the disappointment all over again! As if the first time wasn’t enough. Why do I harbor and nurture these wounds, picking at the scars? Sure, they hurt me the first time, but who is hurting me now? I am. Why can I still cry today over wounds that are almost as old as I am?

Here’s an even greater challenge. I have not been perfect. I have been cruel, abusive, neglectful, self-absorbed. I have responded to harm with harm. When I recall those moments, I feel the fear, the wrath, the anger all over again. Why didn’t the first response quench my desire for revenge? How do I overcome the need to feel constantly on the defensive against these past events?

These destructive behaviors do not provide any healing or relief. Nurturing pain and carrying grudges will not bring me any peace. I must learn to transform these behaviors into processes that heal.

Jesus tells me specifically how to do that in today’s reading. Forgiving others is the way to heal my wounds, past and present. Avoiding snap judgments will help me avoid injuring others. Seeking to be objective and fair will diminish destructive forces in my life. In the end, what I give will be what I will receive! As I develop these spiritual habits in my life, the blessings can become immeasurable!

Thought for the Day: Lord, guide my actions today on the paths that produce immeasurable blessings!

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.