A Foundation to Stand

Today’s scripture: Luke 6:46-49 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Melody Merida):

When I was 13 years old my grandpa passed away after a long battle with cancer. My grandma, who was at the time in her early 80’s, had never worked outside the home, had never driven, never had a credit card, never paid a bill, and never balanced a checkbook. So naturally, my entire family thought that it wouldn’t be long before she left this world and joined my grandpa.

I recall vividly the day before my grandpa died when my grandma asked me to take a walk with her around the family farm where I grew up, next door to my grandparents. Arm in arm we walked while my grandma wondered aloud about what she would do without my grandpa around. It was the first time I recall thinking that she was frail, and I was frightened for her.

After my grandpa passed away my family watched over my grandma like my grandpa had for the 60 years they had been married. A year went by and then another and then another. My grandma had slowly learned what she needed to do to be independent — and she was thriving! After my grandpa had been gone about five years my grandma even got a boyfriend that she met while walking around the mall! She lived a very full life for a decade after my grandpa died; she passed away at the age of 96 after her weekly visit to the community senior center.

My family and I often wondered how in the world she could have survived on her own for so long, and after reading today’s scripture passage I finally figured it out. My grandma, whose faith ran as deep as the ocean, had managed to build an unshakeable foundation for herself. She followed the way of Jesus and she acted on his words. She internalized the love of Jesus; she wasn’t just a Sunday Christian, as she used to say. She woke up every day and prayed that God would help her to be more like Jesus each day.

By living her life in that way, she did something none of her family members ever thought possible. When the biggest storm of her life came to knock her down, she did not fall. The storm raged and raged for a long time with one blow after another, but still she stood tall (even though she actually only stood 4′ 9″). I know now that my grandma was able to keep going for an additional ten years because she trusted in the foundation that she had built around her: she trusted in the way of Jesus.

Thought for the day: What about you? The storms and floods will come; the river will someday burst against your home. Have you taken to heart Jesus’ message of love and made it the foundation of your life? If so, you will be able to stand against the flood.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.