
Today’s scripture: Luke 10:38-41 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Steve Adams):

Choices! They’re a huge part of what life’s all about, aren’t they? Day in and day out, hundreds of times each day, we’re confronted with situations that force us to choose. Ideally, we have the time to carefully consider our array of options and their ramifications — time to access the files of our mind to locate the “What’s Most Important” folder, and then apply it to the situation at hand. We seek God’s guidance and make a decision. Often, though, it doesn’t happen that way. Life throws us a surprise, and there’s simply no time to make a calculated decision. We may only have a split second to select our desired option. It has to be spontaneous, almost intuitive. In times like these, we rely on the storehouse of values and beliefs we have internalized, grab for the Spirit’s guidance — and make a decision.

The word that jumps out at me from this passage is “chosen.” Jesus says to Martha that Mary has made the better choice. We don’t know the details — whether Martha’s work was urgent or could easily wait until tomorrow. We do know however, that Mary made the wise choice. Whatever the undone tasks were, she let them go so she could focus her entire attention on listening to the Savior. And just think, ten years later, when Mary and Martha were sitting around with friends trying to remember what Jesus said that day, who do you think would have the better recollection? Yes, I think Martha could have replayed the experience as accurately as a Twilight fan of today could re-enact their favorite scene!

What a beautiful (mental) place Mary must have been in! All of her cares and busyness had melted away as she was transported to the supernatural level of connecting with her Lord, right in her own living room! Jesus was her priority. When we’re engaged in our priority, we’re relaxed and focused — everything else fades away to obscurity. For me, when I walk out onto my back porch at night to look up at the stars, it’s just like that — as well as when I’m at Sunday church service, or when I’m listening to my Oasis friends share their spiritual insights, or spending quality time with my immediate family (my spouse Dan and our dog Becki). I pray you’re also blessed with lots of Mary moments like these!

I’d like to end with a few thoughts that will hopefully guard against overemphasizing the lesson of this story to the point of losing perspective. According to Jesus, Mary chose the BETTER part (listening to him) over work. There’s no lesson here that says work is not important. It all depends on the timing. Jesus isn’t giving Mary — or us — a license to goof off! It’s just that at that time, with Jesus there, spending time with him was more important.

Thought for the day: God, thank you for the inspiration Mary gives us — to choose to spend time with you, even when other things compete for our allegiance.

Beginning next Monday, December 3, we will present a four-week series that focuses on the themes of Advent, the Christian season of preparation for Christmas. We’ll look at Advent themes that echo and develop the lessons from the sermon from the previous Sunday. You’re welcome to watch the sermons for the full experience. Have a blessed Advent, and Merry Christmas!

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.