Expecting God

Today’s scripture: Matthew 24:36-44 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Robert Ferguson):

There are times when I look around at my life and say, “How did all of this happen?” It seems like not so long ago I was buried under a cloud of depression, afraid to answer my phone, and hiding out from the world under my bed covers. I didn’t know how I was going to make it to payday, much less to the holidays! Last year I was coming out of a relationship, struggling to stay in school, dealing with the responsibilities of a new home and trying to hold on to my job. It all had become overwhelming, and like many of us I tend to crumble under pressure.

But as I look my over these last couple of years, one thing has remained constant for me and that is my prayer life. And please believe me when I tell you I am not talking about the dedicated, consistent, religious type of prayer life that we all strive for.

I try for that “textbook” prayer life, but what seems to work better for me is talking to God when I find myself alone with my thoughts. You know, those few minutes when I first wake up before my feet actually hit the floor, and those quiet times at the end of the evening after I’ve gotten in bed but haven’t gone to sleep yet. One of my favorite times for prayer and meditation is while I am walking my dog. It is during those times that I find myself talking to God much like I talk to a trusted friend or close relative. It’s easy for me to be honest and transparent with God during those times and to speak freely. But the one thing I have found that has proven most valuable is listen. Do you listen for God?

As I read today’s scripture, I feel like I am reminded to look and listen for God’s presence. Sometimes we see God just show up in a circumstance, or in a friend who is in need, or even in a much-needed hug. This Thanksgiving as my family packed into my house for the big turkey day feast I found myself saying, “Look what God has done!”

Through my stresses and my struggles God was preparing my heart and my home to be able to receive my family. What a blessing! I had an inclination to say, look how God showed up today. But the truth is that God did not JUST show up on that day. We have been in communication through the rough times. God was nudging me along, feeding my spirit, reminding me that even though weeping may endure for a night, joy will come in the morning — or eventually.

Today I am reminded that God is ever present, working the plan for our lives and this world. Our job is to open up the lines of communication with God, talk freely with God and expect that God will indeed show up!

Prayer for the day: Dear Lord, thank you for those little moments when you reveal yourself, your presence and your love to us. Thank you for the grace that opens our eyes to see what seems so clouded to the world. Remove our fears and replace them with a joyful sense of expectation that is firmly grounded in your love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.