I’ll Take Care of You

Today’s scripture: Psalm 46 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Julie Walsh):

Fury was in the air that Monday morning at the juvenile correctional facility where I worked. One of my students rushed into my classroom proclaiming wildly: “They are taking Jay to segregation, but he keeps shouting for you out on the walk!” As I hurried out to see what the fuss was all about, it quickly became clear that this day would not end quietly. That afternoon during class, I experienced a panic attack as a freight train of fear drove through my body. Two hours later, I was summoned before administrators who questioned me about the nature of my relationship with Jay. I assumed that I had been clear about the professional boundaries that had been established, but by the end of the day, I had been suspended, pending investigation. By Friday, I was terminated.

I fought back for my job, but appeals hearings were delayed for months. Once I finally had one, it was another several months before the judgment: I had won my case. But there was no time to celebrate. A stay was quickly filed and it was right back to the appeals process. For two unsettling years, war was waged over my termination. All the while, I could not find another teaching job because this litigation was hanging over my head.

But there was something completely different about that time in my life. Somehow, I was not caught up in the whirlwind of it all, and instead retreated to a quiet place of serenity and trust. Was I frustrated? Yes. Was I confident in my pursuit of justice? You bet. Was my faith and trust stronger than ever? Absolutely.

When I think about the words Be Still and know that I am God, I think about the story of Jesus sleeping out on the boat when the storm became violent. The disciples were in full panic when they woke Jesus. In a few words — Quiet! Be Still! — the storm had settled and the disciples’ fear was calmed.

The storms of our life ebb and flow like the waves on the ocean, and I wonder how many times we just bobble along in the torrent, anxious and in a panic. The truth is that the storms can rise, but inside we have the power to find strength, comfort, and solace in our God. It is that calm, inner peace — the small voice of God beckoning us to listen. I’ll take care of you, God says. Be still. Trust in me.

Have you stopped to listen for that voice today? Not the kind of listening where you lock your doors and windows and shut off the phone type of listen. I mean the kind of listen where you are headstrong in the raging storm, seeking God’s presence, turning to God for small cues and reminders, trusting the path your boat is being steered no matter if it tosses and turns along the way.

I dare you to tap into the power of God and quiet the storm within. Just pause… Go ahead… Hear God’s words: I’ll take care of you.

Prayer for the day: God, the storm may rage on, but I quiet my spirit to listen and trust in Your plan for my life.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.