Let’s Start at the Very Big Ending

Today’s scripture: Luke 12:41-48 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Ben Lamb):

I really like the movie The Sound of Music. One of the many well-known songs from it is Do-Re-Mi. Sister Maria starts out with, “Let’s start at the very beginning; A very good place to start.” [Okay, sing the whole song once and get it out of your head so we can continue.]

Often, it really is good to start at the beginning of something. But, occasionally, it’s just as appropriate to first look at the end and work toward the beginning. I chose to do so with today’s verse.

The end of the story tells the consequences of the main character for not doing as he ought. But, how’d he get into his predicament? He said to himself, “…My master is delayed in coming…” and then decided to gamble on his luck with doing things his own way for as long as he could.

Oh, those impetuous Bible-era people. If only they’d’ve acted more responsibly, their lives would’ve been perpetually peachy. Wait a minute. My life isn’t perpetually peachy. Why?

Going back one more verse (v 40), we see “You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour.” Many people believe this verse points to Jesus and the second coming. But, why limit this verse to just one idea?

Jesus also spoke of himself in a parable about the kingdom of heaven. “…just as you did it [kind actions] to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40). It seems logical to me to deduce something from all of this info: opportunities to serve Jesus come to us at unexpected hours, and we must be ready for them.

Jesus’ ministry wasn’t merely a set routine, like trotting off to Temple once a week and plunking some coins in a plate. Nope. He got out and interacted with people. He served the populace in actions and with kindness. He shared good news. He didn’t “delay”!

What about you? When you’re presented with an opportunity to provide service on behalf of Jesus, do you act on it, or delay on it?

Thought for the day: Time marches on, regardless of whether you make a positive impact on this world or not.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.