Mrs. Dash

Today’s scripture: Luke 14:34-35 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Angie Eden):

A new team leader was hired to head my department in October. My office sits within the same suite of offices as hers, putting me almost literally working elbow-to-elbow with the new boss. Within a few weeks, I quickly picked up on a habit of this young woman. No matter where we eat, what we eat, or when we eat, she will have a salt shaker in hand. It sits in a place of prominence on her desk. I politely asked one day why she must salt everything before she even tastes it. Her response? A shrug.

Like an exclamation point added to the end of a sentence for emphasis, Jesus finishes telling us about the cost of being a disciple by dashing these last two sentences onto the end. The verses prior to these make it clear that a sacrifice is required for walking in the way of Christ. To me, then, the reference about flat-tasting salt seems to be a warning.

If you go flat, if you lose your faith, if you cannot give your all — you’re of little use, your fruit will be bland, and you may as well be discarded like stale food.

Just because we first make an impassioned promise to follow Jesus doesn’t mean we are exempt from breaking it. Many obstacles assault our resolve every day. To avoid falling flat, we should dash our discipleship with zest and zeal as habitually as my new boss flavors her food. Maybe we pray, maybe we sing, maybe we gather, maybe we write, or maybe we read. Whatever works for you works! Daily, or hourly even, Jesus wants us to guard against letting our passion for him go stale.

Thought for the day: For today, give God thanks for the seasonings that enhance your life: family, friends, music, books, humor, and more. Pray to stay strong in your walk. Let a simple thing like a salt shaker remind you always of your calling to live as Christ lived.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.